
Intelligent lighting control not only improves comfort but also reduces energy consumption. To integrate lighting into a smart home system, it is important to select the right lamps, switches, dimmers and relays.

Why is smart lighting control popular?

Connecting all the light bulbs in a house or apartment to a smart home opens up the following possibilities:

  • selecting the color of the glow;
  • adjusting the light intensity;
  • switching lights on or off in different rooms;
  • automatic brightness reduction when a computer or TV is turned on;
  • light notification of an incoming call;
  • presence effect – lights can be switched on when no one is in the house,
  • the ability to control by voice or by clapping or clicking.

Especially popular equipment for remote control of light in private homes, where you can control devices on the street: turn on spotlights, lights. Also, control can occur automatically: special sensors include lights on the street when it starts to get dark or at a preset time.

To make the system work effectively, it is necessary to select certain elements for it:

  • Motion sensors – these devices allow you to track the movements of people, activate the light in those areas where it is necessary. Thanks to these devices, electricity costs are reduced, because the light will be lit only in rooms where someone is.
  • Dimmers allow you to smoothly adjust the intensity of light, which is especially important in children’s rooms and bedrooms.
  • Controllers for blinds and curtains also belong to this system. They automatically open or close, in the morning and evening, respectively.
  • Control panels that connect to one network.

What does a smart lighting system provide?

The first advantage, already mentioned in the article, is the reduction of energy costs. For this purpose, dimmers are used, motion sensors that turn off the light if there is no one in the room.

Remote control of lights inside and outside the house, even when you are not present. You can turn on the lights in your home, via your smartphone, to create the appearance of presence to deter possible intruders.

The simplest smart system for controlling lights can be assembled from a controller to which all the lights are connected. The controller is controlled from a phone or computer.

The most popular lamp for integration into a smart home system is the Philips Hue. This lamp can be set to the desired brightness using a regular smartphone via Wi-Fi. The lamp can change color and can be used in a color-music system. It also has a built-in microphone and speaker, allowing it to be used as a hands-free device.

The lamp can turn on automatically at the same time – this option allows you to deter intruders.

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